This language is ENTIRELY made up out of my own head. There is no reference to an existing language. Very LITTLE is known about Harad, its people or its language - I HAVE researched this land and people to the best of my ability.
This post will be updated regularly.
Harku = Be still/Stop
Ranar ques = Thank you
Ktinew = Lift
Jast = Good
Krin = Quiet
Harku, Chifican = Be still, Great one
Mahi calia = young lady/princess
Mahin calio = young lord/prince
Anrarhin = White ones
Inkarwirn = Long Snake
Nrapir = Rain/Mist
Harku, Kaleniya. Hyn akr bequi Haradaic? = Be still, Dragon Child. Do you speak Haradaic?
Bjork Urun = Green Warriors
Siyirn = Mine
Muhaniret = Sand-flame/Flame of the Sand
Muhamik = Sand-spirit/Spirit of the Sand
Cjornark = Gold Spear
Harlarink = South Flow Water
Rur Qura esn Eru! Harkiw hyin akr nipra borc? = The Gift of Eru! Where did you get that?
Arak priw xan xrc ranar ques cren kribna narm hin iq arak brz akilin vras mrivm rur Anrarhin. = I have come to thank you for keeping my people and I from committing wrong against the Anrarhin.
Arak priw bequi olo rur Xren-Chifican iq arak urilirn az nevrin priw seq xrc limr chifi juhn priwn nert wririm akres hin. = I have talked with the Quiet-Leader and I realize it would have been to our great shame had we killed your people.
Ires zewino qaser Muhalorrn, jirg iq inke uy iren vn limr jastui iq likroi. = Please accept these Sand-ships/Ships of the Sand, food and water as proof of our goodwill and apology.
Haraw crx akr bacqu? = What are you called?
Arak bef Jibran iq qas iya narm zoni, Aqil. = I am Jibran and this is my son, Aqil.
Arak bef bacqu Arienel, rur Muhaniret. = I am called Arienel, the Flame of the Sand/Sand-flame.
Arak zewino akres qura xrc narm hin iq arak vrik akr zaeves brz rur Muhamik cren akres zaeves oloso rur Anrarhin. = I accept your gift to my people and I grant you peace from the Spirits of the Sands/Sand-spirits for your peace with the White ones
Haraw arak becu iya rur caln. Akr twer priw zaeves. Grpo asdratin qas klaro iq rur Anrarhin olo tensia. = What I say is the truth. You shall have peace. Only remember this day and the White ones with joy.
Ranar ques, Muhaniret. Narm hin twer nevrinae akres olo jescten qet limr reniras. = Thank you, Flame of the Sand/Sand-flame. My people shall welcome yours with gladness in our hearts.
Nremesirn = Red Wall Coiled/ Coiled Red Wall
Bjorkhara = Green South
Citroprn = Blue Shine
Gretyn = Slow One
Rur Trun Wirn = The Small Snake
Zasik = A type of wild bird, only found in this jungle
Inhartwin = Black Weapon
Xanrewuq = Guardian Bird
Lovirark = Brown Tree
Harata crx akr? = Who are you?
Haraw crx akr hynuir qet limr mrinun? = What are you doing in our land?
Arak bef bacqu Arienel Muhaniret. Narm varnin iya Faramir, Calio vn Ithilien. Rur urun olo narr crx Derufin iq Bergil. Rur Edhel crx Elrohir iq Eluchon. = I am called Arienel Flame of the Sand/Sand-flame. My leader is Faramir, Lord/Prince of Ithilien. The warriors/men with me are Derufin and Bergil. The elves are Elrohir and Eluchon.
Nert crx u hin borc priw xan oloso rur mrinun qet rur Forod xrc buin zaeves olo rur Harad , olo akres mrinun. Rur Muhalorrn crxn zranfin uy qura urh rur hin vn Nremesirn. = We are a people that have come from the land in the North to make peace with the South, with your land. The Sand-ships were given as gifts by the people of Coiled Red Wall.
Rur Muhamik crx mvak tunikrana. Zwarn plin olo harata zwarn kwamir iq rur Mûmakil crx rur ayn borc crxn xrfn urh narmli iq narm Cron Muhamik inrpli rur kilvrin muticqu narm hin iq akres. = The Spirits of the Sand/Sand-spirits are not controlled. They go with whom they choose and the Death of the Sand/Sand-death are the ones that were saved by myself and my Dark/Black Sand-spirit during the war between my people and yours.
Nert priw xan xrc grinh u gwoncrx vn zaeves iq rur Mûmakil nimra xrc akr uy u ireni vn jastui. = We have come to bring an offering of peace and the Death of the Sand/Sand-death back to you as a sign of goodwill.
Akr priw been zranfin iren iq akr hyn mvak zewino az. Arak uinu mvak zran akr brv iren, sran akr uinu grinh narr xrc Nusayya. = You have been given proof and you do not accept it. I will not give you more proof, but you will bring me to Nusayya.
Vawino inkar xrc qwart rur inke? = How long to cross the water?
Breniu ulihn = Three hours
Muhareen = Sand-sister
Akr priw seq nibritin xrc rur crinuok iq u pluhir olo Quern Ikrimah vn Harad. Nusayya jun ina vrinya xrc ina...reen. = You have been summoned to the palace and an audience with King Ikrimah of Harad. Nusayya sends her greetings to her...sister.
Arak bef mvak zenten lakrw. = I am not going alone.
Narm zeni priwz tyrnig borc arak zran akr u olik xrc qwen tyrnigu haraw lryt akr priw qet narm mrinuna. = My daughter has requested that I give you a night to rest before asking what purpose you have in my kingdom.
Arak bef asfrin xrc etwyrn olo ina cren zanytre lakrw bru wengun xrc asx creth. Plin, gwen qet narm mrinar, sran hyn mvak borc crx grifh borc akr crx intvulu. = I am inclined to agree with her for your interpreter alone looks ill-suited to stay awake. Go, rest in my house, but do not think that you are unwatched.
Trunreen = Little-sister
Trunruun = Little-brother
Jaryn = Halfbreed
Eruxanre = Eru's Guardian
Eruquran = Eru's Gifts
Narm Rezwuq = My Songbird
Narm zoni = My son
Nevrin = Immortal
Narm Quern = My King
Wenzeni = Granddaughter
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