Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As with "Dragon Sizes", I felt this information deserved its own post.


Ancients are the leaders of the dragons. They are the decision-makers in the Dragon Clan. Many are old, but an Ancient can be a young as a Kinwa. There are nine Ancients, one for each type of dragon, though, not all Ancients are of pure blood. They live relatively normal lives, being allowed to have a mate, dragonlings and step down from their positions if a to-be Ancient is ready to take their place. An Ancient will sometimes change the first part of their name when they settle into their new position. Example: Celestream was once known as Calmstream.

Fire Ancient: Voronflame

Battle Ancient: Seregon

Earth Ancient: Rosclaw

Treasure Ancient: Emeraldsong

Water Ancient: Celestream

Sky Ancient: Mirwind

Shape-shifter Ancient (in the past): Menelecho

Knowledge Ancient: Wiseheart

Messenger Ancient: Quickscale


Ancients to-be

Dragons or dragonlings that are called to be Ancients from birth, but are not ready or are unable to take the role of an Ancient at a certain point in their lives. As you can see, some of the Ancient roles are not filled. This fact is so because that race of dragon is dying out or because a to-be Ancient has simply not yet been born. Some to-be Ancients will be older then others.



Earth: Leaf (heart)

Treasure: Topazfang

Water: Oceanclaw

Sky: Wind (walker)


Knowledge: Writtenword

Messenger: Fast (moon)


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