Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gweltari's Family

Thalos is sixty-nine years old and the father of five children. He is a skilled Ranger and a good protector of his family. He has dark brown hair and dark gray eyes.

Ailiri is sixty-seven years old and the mother of five children. She is the wife of a Ranger and is strong-willed even as she is gentle-hearted. She has light brown hair and green eyes.

Annaelen is thirty-four years old and the eldest of the family. She is happily married with two young sons of her own. She has the light brown hair of her mother and dark gray eyes, and is the daughter of Thalos and Ailiri.

Zimrathon is thirty-eight years old and the husband of Annaelen. He is the father of two children. His hair is brown and his eyes blue.

Cevenor is twelve years old and the son of Zimrathon and Annaelen. He has brown hair and dark gray eyes like his mother.

Garaf is three years old and the son of Zimrathon and Annaelen. He has light brown hair and the blue eyes of his father.

Thalbor is twenty-seven years old, a fraternal twin to Taurnar and a Ranger. He has a fast temper, but also a quick laugh and he forgives more easily than he holds a grudge. He has dark brown hair and gray eyes, and is the son of Thalos and Ailiri.

Taurnar is twenty-seven years old, a fraternal twin to Thalbor and a Ranger. He is more serious than his elder brother, but also more empathetic and calmer. He has dark brown hair and gray eyes, and is the son of Thalos and Ailiri.

Lirianen is fourteen and every inch her mother's daughter. She is a proper lady and has no desire to act at all like her older sister Gweltari. She has dark brown hair and green eyes, and is the daughter of Thalos and Ailiri.


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