Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Map of Rhûn

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This is Rhûn (my version), a land to the far east of Middle-earth. Rhûn was created and is owned by J.R.R Tolkien. I simply created and added to his creation for my own enjoyment and benefit. Names you do not recognize are created by me.

Full picture of map, further away. The Ered Aearon (the dark mountains) are located on the western side of the Sea of Rhûn and they are named in the elven tongue and not the Rhûnic tongue. The tiny, tiny river on the eastern side of the Ered Aearon (you might not be able to see it) is called the Pronir.

Close up.

In this shot, the forests of Bik Grov o Dolo (far north), Procalor (small forest to the west of Bik Grov o Dolo), Narketil (at the base of the red mountains) and Calorgrov (near the sea) are visible.

The Rhes o Ainek River, which flows from the Orocarni Mountains, feeds into the Sea of Rhûn from its eastern side. The four mountains of Lyt, Osn, Carsk and Nar are all together and the twin mountains Baya and Bryn are nearer the plains.

The Kingdom of Al-Salyha is near the twin mountains Baya and Bryn. The Kingdom of Ar-Hihn is located in the west-south corner of Bik Grov o Dolo.

In this shot, the small lake Luusa is visible as is the Ceplina River (to the south) and again, the Rhes o Ainek River (to the north). The forest of Gleritar is near the lake, Luusa, and next to the Kingdom of Al-Salyha.

The dark, but abandoned Kingdom of Morduath is located in the east-south corner of the map along with the mountain Ogiil. The Kingdom of Ak-Jnab, a desert Kingdom made up of tribes, is located on the southern shore of the Ceplina River. The Kingdom of Ab-Gribyl is located on the eastern shore of the Sea of Rhûn.

A few things not shown in writing on the map are the green plains between the Sea of Rhûn and the Orocarni Mountains (called the Vintael), the split in the Ceplina River where the river meets the Sea of Rhûn (called the Vizix Fork), a crossing in the middle of the Ceplina River (called the Groron Bridge) and a crossing of the Ceplina River to the east, by the mountains (called Morlyt Way).


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