Monday, July 19, 2010

Chosen Dragons

Every Dragon has a "chosen". These dragons have special titles and special talents. They can be halfbreeds or pure-blooded, dragonling, Kinwa or a grown dragon. It does not matter as long as they fit the description of the "chosen". These dragons are born randomly, sometimes providing the Dragon Clan with one or more "chosen" dragon. There has never been more then five "chosen" alive at one time and no less then one.

The Fire Dragons' "chosen" is called a Ripconre (White Spirit). This dragon will be able to produce white fire and be immune to water. Weakness is being underground and earth - something that is vital to be near to if a dragon wants to stay hidden from humans, dwarves and elves. There have been three Ripconre.

The Battle Dragons' "chosen" is called Autinor (Blood-bringer). Legend says that this dragon will be male and never be wounded in battle. He will have unnatural long-life (even for a dragon). There have been no Autinor in Battle Dragon history.

The Earth Dragons' "chosen" is called Sakino or Sakina (depending on the gender). The meaning is Earth Brother or Earth Sister. These dragons are connected to nature in a unique way that their kin are not, being able to understand what others cannot and fix it. Weakness is nature connected - if it suffers, so does the dragon. There have been four Sakino and three Sakina.

The Treasure Dragons' "chosen" is called Broynii (Collector). It is mostly unknown and only speculated what this dragon will be able to do. There has never been a Broynii that the Treasure Dragons know of.

The Water Dragons' "chosen" is called Ceienas (Rain Dancer) and is always female. This dragoness will have complete control over the river, lakes and rain of Arda. The only downfall is that her lifespan will be cut short by 2,000 years. There has been one Ceienas.

The Sky Dragons' "chosen" is called Kiniiroc (Windtamer) and is usually male. This dragon can turn his body into the wind he controls and is responsible for the storms while he lives. Weakness is unknown at this time. There have been fifteen Kiniiroc.

The Shape-shifter Dragons' "chosen" is called Ankinaraas (Heartchanger). This dragon is not able to shift but more then nine times in life after reaching adulthood and will never shift as a dragonling. This dragon's skill lies not in its physical ability to change shape, but its ability to change the views, opinions and hearts of those around it. There has been one Ankinaraas in Shape-shifter Dragon history.

The Knowledge Dragons' "chosen" is called Talikan (Knowledge-Keeper). This dragon has the power to use any knowledge or information in history and the present to shape events around it. Only weakness is that this dragon is not able to gain knowledge unless it knows the name of the person who possess this knowledge. There have been twelve Talikan.

The Messenger Dragons' "chosen" is called Sanitanaas (Light-Runner). This dragon is said to never tire and fly at speeds that rival the best Messenger Dragons. Weakness is unknown. There have been no Sanitanaas in Messenger Dragon history.


Ripconre = "Rip-con-ray"
Autinor = "Aw-tin-or"
Sakino/Sakina = "Sack-in-o"/"Sack-eena"
Broynii = "Brawn-eye"
Ceienas = "See-enus"
Kiniiroc = "Kin-eye-rock"
Ankinaraas = "Ankin-a-ross"
Talikan - "Tal-ikan"
Sanitanaas = "San-itan-us"

There shall be individual posts on each type of dragon shortly!


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