Saturday, August 25, 2012

Battle Statistics

For anyone who cares....namely me (who needs this so she doesn't lose her mind trying to keep track of all these numbers!).....these are the numbers of fighters on the Good Guys Side and the Bad Guys Side (most are roughly estimated, of course) for my story "Brono a Chuio".

Rebels (Good Guys)

Northern Dragons (6 fighting)
Sand Dragons (3 fighting)
Char-pyk Dragons (155 fighting)
Tsubasa (4 fighting)
Twanres (50 fighting)
Vultsi (23 fighting)
Maia (1 fighting)
Rangers (3 fighting)
Haradrim Men (6100 in all - 500 archers, 3000 horsemen & 2600 foot soldiers)
Rhunic Men (7400 in all - 400 Ab-Gribyl, 3000 Ak-Jnab, 1000 Khand, 3000 Rebels)

13,745 Fighters in all roughly estimated

Dark Lord Troops (Bad Guys)

Dark Dragons (1 fighting)
Vy-kror Dragons (400 fighting)
Maia (1 fighting)
Sertek (6500 fighting)
Empath Serket (30 fighting)
Rhunic Men (7700 in all - 4200 Al-Salyha & 3500 Ar-Hihn)
Fell Beasts (330 fighting)
Empaths (15 fighting)

15,077 Fighters in all roughly estimated

Rebel Army

*Rebels riding Char-pyk and Sand dragons form the first line of defense and will engage Sertek (and Vy-kror) as their prime enemy.

*Rebels and Haradrim riding horses form the second line of defense and will engage Sertek (and Vy-kror) that the Char-pyk do not catch.

*Rebels and Haradrim on foot/archers form the third line of defense and will engage men in Kilicar's army and Sertek (and Vy-kror) that get past the first two lines.

*Vultsi commanded by Maltaserce and Tsubasa/Twanres commanded by Osamu form the forth line of defense. The Vultsi will fight anything, but their main enemy will be the fell beasts in the sky. The Tsubasa and Twanres will engage any enemy, but will most-likely focus their attention on the Sertek.

*Northern Dragons form the last and fifth line of defense and will engage with sky-enemies, occasionally lending assistance to those on the ground.

Dark Lord's Army

*Vy-kror and their Riders will form the first line of attack.

*Sertek will form the second line of attack and will proceed in groups according to species (ie. Humanoid, Felines, Canines, Reptile, Bird)

*Empath Sertek form the third line of attack.

*Rhunic Men and Empaths will form the forth line of attack.

*Fell beasts and the Dark Dragon will form the air and fifth line of attack.


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